What form is provided for the shipment form?
The following forms are available for registration:
- M-2;
- M-2a.
They differ in that the second has a spine, which the accountant keeps for himself.
- The first form must be recorded in a special journal. If irregular cooperation with a certain counterparty is planned, then form M 2 is used.
- If ongoing cooperation is planned, and the goods will need to be received frequently and regularly, then the M-2a form is more suitable.
Reference! At enterprises, a free form of drawing up a power of attorney for an employee is allowed, and all the basic requirements for drawing up this document must be met.
Let's consider what details and other data should be contained on the form:
- It can only be certified by the general director of the enterprise, or rather with his signature and seal.
- When drawing up a power of attorney, the list of powers with which the principal authorizes the trustee is the first to determine independently.
- It is imperative to indicate a list of actions that the person for whom the document is issued has the right to perform.
- The form is filled out in the accounting department and can also be certified by an accountant, but the general director must sign the form.
- After expiration, it must be provided to the accounting department, where it will be stored for 5 years.
Power of attorney form M-2 - free download
You can prepare the document yourself, based on the general requirements for a power of attorney given above. However, it would be much wiser to use a ready-made document form, which you can download in Word format for free by clicking on the link above. The form is completely ready for use, takes up minimal space and fits on one page in its original form.
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If there are more items in the inventory list than provided, the user can add additional lines using the function of the same name in MS Word or another suitable text editor. In this case, the fourth section will be organically moved down the form or to the next page.
What mandatory details should be included in the power of attorney?
If it is issued from an individual, then the following information about him will be indicated on the form:
- passport details;
- Date of Birth;
- registration at place of residence.
As for the authorized person, all necessary information about him must also be indicated.
Important! Along with the power of attorney at the place of request, it is also necessary to present an identification document. It is best, of course, if it is a passport.
Contents of the standard document
The form may vary depending on the type of document:
- If we are talking about the powers that the manager gives to his employee, which the latter will use regularly, then this will be a document that contains only the details of the parties, a list of powers and a signature and seal.
- But if we talk about a specific situation, that an employee authorized by the principal must receive certain goods from the warehouse, then the document will have a double-sided form, A4 format. On the front side the details of the principal or organization and the person authorized by him are indicated.
- If the principal is an organization, then in the left corner you need to indicate the organization's OKPO, current account and microfinance organization. Next, the date of execution of the document and its validity period are indicated.
Note! On the back of the form there should be a plate containing the list, name of the product, its quantity and other characteristics.
Below will be the signature of the trusted person, which will be used as a sample when receiving inventory items. They are issued regularly for employees to receive goods. However, its validity period may be less than one month .
If the powers have already been transferred to one of the employees, then he cannot delegate the powers to a third party, just as the principal will not be able to issue a power of attorney to another person until the validity of the first document has expired.
The power of attorney can be:
- simple (special);
- one-time;
- general
The difference between them lies in the scope of powers vested in the trustee and the validity period of this document. A general power of attorney has broader legal powers.
Read about the execution of a handwritten power of attorney to receive goods and the contents and completion of the annual power of attorney on our website.
Contents of the document
According to the law, the interests of the enterprise are represented by its director. To carry out its functions, it does not require any additional documents. Of course that's correct. However, as a rule, one enterprise employs a large number of people engaged in intensive production activities.
Obviously, the director should not and cannot act personally in many situations (for example, receive certain inventory items). In order to certify the right of another person to act on behalf of this company, it is necessary to draw up the appropriate document.
In fact, the scope of powers of attorney is much wider. In addition to receiving inventory items, such documents are used in many cases, transferring part of their rights to another person for a certain time.
Examples of use include powers of attorney to drive a car (they have now been abolished), powers of attorney to dispose of property, and many others.
It is important to note that an incorrectly completed document may be considered void. In this case, a mistake can lead to serious consequences.
What details should a well-written paper contain:
- (the one who issues this document) must be indicated In this case, it is imperative that such a person or organization must be clearly identified.
- It is necessary to fully identify the person to whom the document is issued. In this case, it is also necessary to emphasize that the information provided here must clearly identify who exactly we are talking about.
- It is important to indicate the date of issue. This detail is very important; the validity period is counted from this date.
- If this document is issued to receive inventory items , then the types of valuables, the corresponding units of measurement and the quantity that needs to be received must be specifically indicated.
The paper is certified by the signatures of the director and chief accountant, as well as the seal of the enterprise. Also, you need to indicate the position of the person to whom it was issued.
Rules for issuing a Metro card
The validity period of the power of attorney is unlimited or determined by the director of the company. Any card holder can be appointed as the main card holder.
Please note that it is impossible to buy a card in the metro store itself, because it is issued free of charge after providing all the necessary documents.
For those who do not have the opportunity to personally contact the retail chain, a service has been developed - submitting an application for a METRO card online, without leaving the office.
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To do this, you must enter the data in the application form on the official website of the center and submit electronic copies of the necessary registration documents directly to the METRO shopping center that you specified when filling out the online application. It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that the above method of creating a card will significantly save your precious time.
After submitting your application, you will receive the required automatic confirmation.
How to get a Metro card
Certify them with the signature and living seal of the company whose employee you are. 2 Collect a package of necessary documents. It will depend on which group of clients you belong to. There are only 5 such groups: individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, representative offices of foreign companies, representative offices of Russian companies, embassies.
The list of documents can be found on the METRO website https://metro-cc.ru/servlet/PB/menu/1064213/index.html by selecting the appropriate group. So, for example, the list of documents for individual entrepreneurs will be as follows:• purchase conditions;• a copy of the Federal Tax Service certificate on tax registration of an individual and assignment of a TIN;• a copy of the certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (IP);• a copy of the passport IP;• original power of attorney of the established form for persons who have the right to carry out transactions on behalf of the individual entrepreneur, signed by the individual entrepreneur.
Power of attorney to receive goods
, special (with a certain validity period), one-time (for one specific case).
In small companies, the development of such documents can be carried out either by the managers themselves or by third-party specialists; in large organizations, the responsibility for drawing up powers of attorney is usually assigned to a lawyer or secretary. After registration, they give her signature to the boss (director). Until 2020, the power of attorney was required to be certified with the seal of the organization, but since January 2016, the presence of seals and stamps of legal entities.
persons, as previously with individual entrepreneurs, has ceased to be a mandatory norm, so the document does not need to be stamped. The power of attorney must have two signatures: from the one who entrusts the goods and the one who is entrusted with it.
There is no mandatory template for filling out such a power of attorney. Organizations can write this document in free form or develop a template at their discretion.
How to get a card for an individual
All you need to do is contact your nearest retail outlet with the following list of documents:
- Personal documents of the official representative or management;
- Information about the activities of an organization or company;
- Company registration number
Representatives of small businesses, entrepreneurs of unregistered LLCs or OJSCs, branches of companies and the companies themselves could receive the card.
In all these cases, it was the organization’s documentation that was used, for which up to five passes could be issued. The requirements for organizations remain the same.
The receipt of metro cash carry cards by non-legal entities deserves special attention.
To receive it, you had to provide documents as an employee of a registered organization.
Now, the Metro customer card for individuals has become available to almost any category of clients. Increasingly, you can meet network clients who received a card without being entrepreneurs or businessmen.
Power of attorney to submit and receive documents: sample
Under these circumstances, the latter must be notified of such actions within a reasonable period of time.
It should be noted that if notice of the delegation of powers to a third party is not sent, the representative will be personally liable for the person to whom he transfers his powers. It should be noted that the power of attorney form, which contains a clause defining the right of subrogation, must be certified through a notary.
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How to get a Metro customer card
The document can be read and downloaded here: https://metro-cc.ru/servlet/PB/menu/1064254_l7/index.html.
Please note that according to company policy, a METRO customer card is not issued to individuals. 2 Collect the necessary documents to obtain a customer card. For individual entrepreneurs you need: - a printout of the terms of purchase, certified by your seal and signature; - a copy of the certificate of inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs; - a copy of the Federal Tax Service and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) certificate; - a copy of the passport (the first page and the page with registration); - the original power of attorney standard form for persons entitled to carry out trade transactions (issued on behalf of an individual entrepreneur).
3 The package of documents for legal entities includes: - printed purchase conditions; - a copy of the certificate of the Ministry of Tax Service on the assignment of a TIN; - a copy of the document confirming the appointment
How to apply for a Metro Cash & Carry card for an individual - obtaining a card and list of documents
However, profitable promotions are regularly held for certain types of assortment, thanks to which you can save significantly. The trading network operates around the clock. Due to the limited number of customers, there are rarely queues in the Metro. How to get to the store? To do this, you need to get a special Metro pass.
You cannot buy a Metro card. Some websites on the Internet offer a similar service. Among them: LLC/JSC (limited liability companies/joint stock companies) without a seal; Peasant farms (peasant farms); military units; law offices (offices, bureaus, colleges); notary offices (chambers);