How to correctly write a complaint about low-quality furniture in a store?
Claim for defective furniture product Claim for defective furniture product. The applicant purchased furniture, and
Complaint to Euroset via hotline and to Rospotrebnadzor: grounds and procedure for filing an application
Costume jewelry return of goods law Discharge a child from a 3-room apartment and register him in a one-room apartment Buyers
What payments are due to military personnel upon dismissal? Formulas and calculation examples
Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case
Forms of power of attorney to receive goods: download for free in excel and word
What form is provided for the shipment form? For registration, the following forms are provided: M-2;
consumer protection where to go and who to complain to
Typical violations recorded in the field of consumer protection legislation and ways to overcome them
Who is protected by consumer protection law? Every person in modern society is a consumer.
Sample complaint to Rospotrebnadzor about a cafe
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights / Services and consumer protection Back Published:
Meeting of apartment building homeowners sample announcement
Information for consumers in apartment buildings and residential buildings with direct payments to Mosvodokanal JSC
Notice of a meeting of owners of an apartment building: 09/14/2019 Reading time: 5 min
How to turn off the water in an apartment without paying
How to refuse hot water supply in an apartment and save on utilities.
Types of valves To determine the position of the device and find out how the valve opens or closes, in
How to write a complaint to the traffic police
How to write an application to the traffic police for registration
Any driver or pedestrian can unwittingly witness a violation of traffic rules. Most often everything
How a claim entered in the complaint book is considered
Inspection of food products for quality in Rospotrebnadzor: grounds and procedure
Everyday relationships between people are of a consumer nature. Some act as sellers, others act as
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