How to refuse a teacher at school sample application

Application for resignation from the functions of a class teacher

I ask you to relieve me of my duties as a manager starting from the second half of the 2010/2011 academic year due to the lack of sufficient free time to perform this work efficiently.

understand the regulations and legislative framework.

Legal advice, legal assistance from a lawyer, legal services, representation in court

A worker also includes time of work performed at the suggestion, order or with the knowledge of the employer in excess of the established working hours (overtime, work on public holidays, holidays and weekends).

Article 119. Overtime work Overtime is considered to be work performed by an employee at the suggestion, order or with the knowledge of the employer in excess of the working hours established for him, provided for by the internal labor regulations or the shift schedule.

Complaint against a teacher: sample, reasons for filing

  • if your child is persecuted because of his religion or nationality - any manifestation of discrimination;
  • if a student is forced to attend certain religiously oriented lessons, for example, as part of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics”;
  • during a public discussion of a child’s beliefs and actions, which resulted in moral harm and damage to mental health;
  • if a child is forced to engage in physical activity, when there are medical recommendations to limit physical activity and other situations in which the principles of health protection are not observed;
  • when a child is not allowed to attend lessons or is removed from classes (failure to provide educational services is a very serious violation, provided that the student does not threaten the safety of other children; the teacher can respond to hooligan behavior through the school administration; appearance, lack of completed homework, etc. reasons are not grounds for removal from the lesson);
  • with biased attitudes and excessive demands that differ from those applied to all other children in the class;
  • if the child’s grades are lowered;
  • in case of insults, humiliation and violence.

We, the parents, ______________, ________, ___________ (children's names). Our children study in ______ class ___________ secondary school No. city _______. Teacher _________ (teacher's name) insulted our children during a chemistry lesson and kicked them out of the classroom. The teacher decided that during the test they were cheating and distracting each other from completing the task. The teacher called __________ boorish, ________ ignorant. And then she tore the children’s notebooks and demanded that they leave the class. This whole situation happened in front of our classmates, who fully confirm our children’s story about what happened.

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How to refuse class management

leadership is not the main activity of a subject teacher, but only an additional aspect of the work. But school management often tries to force the teacher to fulfill these duties.

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To do this, your copy is marked with the incoming number, registration date, organization stamp, last name, first name, patronymic, position and signature of the person who registered the document.

I’ll just give a couple of examples - 1 - a teacher of a humanities subject writes the words “swimming pool”.

Children - aren’t there two “c”s there? Teacher - if you want, write two.

Complaint about teacher

My child is currently studying in the 5th grade of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 495” in Kamen-on-Obi. With class teacher D.V. Savelyeva, who was appointed by the school administration in 2020, the relationship did not work out. The teacher constantly allows the dignity and honor of my child to be humiliated, which cannot go unpunished.

If a child’s rights are violated at school, parents can draw up a document such as a complaint against the teacher. Parents are obliged to ensure the full development and moral education of their children. When a child spends most of the day within the walls of school, it is the teacher who influences the formation of the child. If a teacher, through his actions, words and deeds, negatively influences or infringes on the rights of a child, filing a complaint against the teacher is not so much a right, but rather an obligation of the parent (legal representative).

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How to write an application for a substitute teacher at school

good afternoon - There is no special application form - make a reference to the Sanpin specified by you, at the end emphasize that if the premises are not brought into compliance with the Sanpin - contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint - a possible fine for the school and school officials. according to sanpin, the temperature in the class is up to +24 IF 30 is already too much - but it’s probably not the windows - but the heating company’s desire to make money - the more kilocalories they sell, the more money they make - here you still need to influence the heating system so that they heat in moderation... you write what they wrote to the director if there is no clear answer, then you need to write EARLY or Rospotrebnadzor ..

  • regarding facts of violence (psychological or physical) against a child committed at school;
  • if local documents that are adopted in educational institutions and by which they are guided in committing actions that are unauthorized, in your opinion, do not comply with the federal legislative framework ;
  • when it comes to corruption .

How to write an application for a substitute teacher at school

) Leaves class for 10-15 minutes. Collects notebooks from time to time. A lot has accumulated. Can anyone suggest a course of action in this situation? Are there any laws on the basis of which we can demand a change of teacher (a suitable candidate has now appeared in the state)? The bad thing is that although we are the majority, this is about 2/3 of the parents, not the whole class. like “Please look into the current situation.” Please explain the teacher's actions. etc. “- here you don’t need a lot of signatures, just who this directly concerns and whose children at home told the story. Perhaps the director will rein in your teacher a little, influence her, and if not, then collect enough papers, then you can go and go higher, with the collected incriminating evidence. Here we can talk about the director’s inaction, her ignoring the problem and the dismissal of this teacher from the school.

Is such a statement made anonymously?

Complaints against teachers can also be filed anonymously. Only in this case is it of a warning nature and does not imply the replacement of the teacher or the application of any measures of influence against him. Most often, such statements force the school director to understand the situation before it leads to more drastic measures on the part of the dissatisfied.

The main distinguishing feature of an anonymous application is that the applicant’s personal data is not indicated in the header of the document.

To the director ____________________

(full name of educational institution)


(Full name of director or acting director)


Physical education teacher, _________________ (full name), repeatedly exceeded his authority. During lessons, he humiliates children, insults their dignity, unfairly evaluates physical abilities, is rude and unreasonably gives unsatisfactory grades.

In addition, he was repeatedly seen using tobacco products on school grounds during school hours, which negatively affects children and their upbringing.

I urge you to look into the current situation and take disciplinary action against this teacher.

(day, month and year) ______________

Regional Department of Education This element of management of educational institutions in the hierarchy is above municipal structures and is subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Education. Where can I complain about the school and the director? The most common topics of complaints are: refusal to admit a child to school, extortion from parents, biased attitudes and underestimation of academic performance, bullying or violence from other students as a result of self-exclusion from teachers, insults or violence from teachers. The last example does not give rise to a choice of where to complain about the school. In the event of insults by words or actions that turn into a crime, the prosecutor's office and the juvenile police service should be immediately notified. We are writing a complaint against the school. The official in this case will be the head of the education department.

What can the director do? How to complain about a school to the Department of Education?

The fact of humiliation of a student by a teacher has been established, including discrimination. The fact of an incorrect attitude towards students by a teacher, as well as his parents or other legal representatives, has been revealed. In particular, the fact of insult and the use of moral violence has been proven. The educational measures being applied are grossly violating the rules of Russian legislation. A specific student is being insulted by other children. Moreover, the teacher makes no attempts to stop this process. The fact of an illegal requirement to attend additional paid classes and electives has been revealed. Without obtaining prior consent from parents. Children are involved in various activities. types of work The fact of bias has been established. The fact of the use of inflated requirements and a biased attitude towards students has been proven, regardless of what specific grounds forced parents to file a complaint in order to provide protection to children, which is provided for by the norms of Russian legislation. How to write a complaint correctly Based on the established requirements of Russian legislation, a complaint must include: In the header of the document, it is extremely important to indicate the name of the government body to which the complaint is to be transferred.

Nobody knows how to change teachers correctly

It depends on what class. In high school, ped. image is not necessary. My husband, without a pedagogical education, worked as a physics and computer science teacher for a year. He has Baumansky, but he passed out on legal grounds. That’s what happened, there was nowhere to work, my daughter’s class found out that he had graduated and offered him. My God, our teacher dragged children to the board by their ears and hair, and simply tore up their notebooks in front of the whole class! So what? The parents of the girl who was pulled out from behind her desk by the ear didn’t even make a peep! Apparently, from old memory, they believe that the teacher is always right. Soviet system, damn it! So, I don’t even know what needs to be done to stir up people who don’t even want to protect their own children.

How to draw up a document correctly

When drawing up an official document such as a complaint, you should be guided by the general rules for preparing appeals to government authorities.

The application must include information that allows one to unambiguously identify the applicant and the teacher:

  • name of the educational institution, full name and position of the authorized person;
  • information about the applicant: full name, place of residence, contact information.

The statement further provides details of the controversial situation. The more facts and information the applicant provides, the more effectively and quickly the issue will be resolved. The application must be accompanied by evidence in the form of documents, photographs, and videos. The complaint is signed and dated.

In addition, some institutions provide the possibility of applying via an electronic form via the Internet. In this case, the requirements for completing the application remain the same, however, you should indicate in what form the answer is preferable: electronic or simple written - and attach electronic samples of evidence.

The structure of the application consists of three mandatory points:

  • introductory: information about the applicant and the recipient of the letter is provided. In addition, it is important to provide contact information in case the evidence provided is insufficient or the applicant requires clarification, as well as to receive a response based on the results of consideration of the appeal. After this, the title of the document is indicated: “Complaint”, “Application”, “Appeal” - at the discretion of the persons;
  • in the body of the appeal, you should describe the situation in as much detail as possible, based on facts and evidence, without losing control and without getting personal. It is necessary to report which teacher is behaving incorrectly, which students suffer from such behavior, as well as information about the school and class in which the incident occurred. It is necessary to indicate in the appeal what result the applicant expects, with references to the rules of law or local acts of the educational institution that confirm his position and justify the requirements;
  • an application formed from the evidence submitted to the application, signature and date.

When contacting a primary school student with complaints, parents have the right to arrange for the child to work with a psychologist in order to find out the criticality of the situation, provide additional information, and weed out fantasies.

Sample application for refusal of additional work

Application for enrollment in an interest group. Application for admission to 10th grade from children. Application for admission to 10th grade from parents. Application for admission to the gymnasium. Application for secondary employment. Application for exemption from paid classes.

Save wisely with “Personnel Affairs” 8- When concluding an employment contract, a new employee must submit a number of personal documents to the personnel department, and in some cases also draw up a written application requesting employment. A complete list of documents that the employer has the right to require is contained in Art. Despite the fact that a job application is not considered a mandatory document, the practice of submitting it has been preserved in many organizations:

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