Schedule of ventilation and quartzing in dow: Quartzing in kindergarten according to SanPIN - Schedule of quartzing in kindergarten according to Sanpin sample table 2020

Reasons for using UV lamps.

Quartz treatment of premises in a kindergarten according to SanPin is the treatment of groups with UV rays using a quartz lamp.

It is carried out to reduce the concentration of pathogens in the air.

With the help of quartzing, especially in the autumn-winter period, when there is a high probability of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, you can significantly increase the child’s immunity and saturate the body with vitamin D.

Therefore, the current SanPin obliges all preschool educational institutions to draw up monthly schedules for quartz treatment in order to prevent colds, rickets, skin pathologies, and alleviate the condition of children with sinusitis and sinusitis.

In case of seasonal vitamin deficiency, quartz treatment helps maintain the health of children at the proper level.

When there is a danger of influenza, when the infection of one child leads to an epidemic and the closure of a preschool educational institution for quarantine, a quartz lamp is indispensable.

How to keep a quartzing notebook in a dhow

In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, the maximum number of physical education classes is carried out outdoors.

2.13.12. During the cold season, it is preferable to conduct classes in the pool after a walk.

The presence of medical personnel during classes in the pool and when children undergo procedures in the sauna is mandatory. 2.13.16. Health-improving work with children in the summer is an integral part of the system of treatment and preventive measures. Physical activity in organized forms of activity should be at least 50% of the total volume of daily physical activity, and during walks outside the territory of the preschool educational institution - 35-40%.

Safety measures when quartzing.

After quartzing, the group and utility rooms in the preschool educational institution must be ventilated, and only then are children allowed to go there.

UFO installations should not be accessible to the child or turn on uncontrolled, without adhering to the quartz time in kindergarten according to SanPin.

You can improve the atmosphere in a group if you carry out wet cleaning in a timely manner, frequently ventilate and quartz the air.

Then the likelihood of the occurrence and spread of colds is reduced almost threefold.

Much is known about the benefits of a quartz lamp; it is necessary to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the air and on objects.

But there is also harm from it - when the unit is turned on, ozone begins to be released, which is considered toxic.

That is why you cannot be in the room when the lamp is working, and children are allowed into the group when the room is well ventilated after quartzing.

Open quartz lamps emit radiation that is dangerous to humans, animals, and plants. When it is turned on, staying in the room is prohibited.

The UV installation can be placed on a wall, ceiling or tripod. The last, mobile option, allows you to transport the lamp throughout all rooms.

As an option, you can purchase not open-type quartz lamps for the group, but bactericidal ones.

They do not emit toxic impurities and nitrogenous compounds.

They can be used for small spaces as a disinfectant and cleaning device from bacteria, dust and other microorganisms.

It is strictly forbidden to look at the UV lamp while it is working. This can lead to corneal burns and blindness.

How to draw up a ventilation schedule in kindergarten

Managers, teachers and other employees of kindergartens are required to adhere to sanitary standards. Therefore, parents have the right to make claims against the management of preschool educational institutions where their children spend time if the established rules are not followed there.

Devices with a mercury-quartz lamp are practically not used in preschool institutions, as they can be dangerous due to the release of large amounts of nitrogen.

Since they are recommended to be chosen for preschool institutions, it will be useful to find out more information about this type of bactericidal lamps.

When creating a ventilation schedule in a preschool organization, the season of the year is taken into account. The air mass circulation schedule contains data on the frequency and time of ventilation, the type of ventilation and the location of these actions. The creation of the schedule is carried out by a nurse and it contains the signatures of a medical worker and the head of the educational institution.

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All such events, the dates of their implementation and the choice of cleaning products are recorded by the staff of the institution in the general cleaning log.

In still and dry air, viruses remain active for several hours, and in moving air, viruses quickly lose their harmful properties. A quartz lamp will not cause any harm, says Evgeny Komarovskoy, if, of course, it is not turned on in the presence of children.

The world education system, which plays a decisive role in the cultural and social development of man, is in a state of permanent global crisis.

Preschool institutions for children that combine several areas are called combined. Regardless of the profile of the kindergarten, all necessary sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards and rules must be complied with. Thus, at separate time intervals provided for by the quartz treatment schedule in the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to conduct two half-hour irradiation sessions to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

Quartz mode according to SanPin.

The quartz regime in kindergarten according to SanPin provides for double treatment of the rooms in the group with a quartz (bactericidal) lamp.

Especially the playroom, bedroom and reception area.

The procedure is carried out sequentially and depends on exactly when the premises will be free or when children are expected to be received.

The original schedule is approved by the head of the preschool educational institution; the paper is stored in a group folder (journal), in which daily records are kept indicating the date and time of quartzing.

The full name and signature of the employee responsible for the procedure is included.

Quartzization is given a strictly defined time. Before turning on the lamp, the room is cleared of children and flowers are removed.

The performer puts on safety glasses, turns on the lamp and leaves the room.

Many UV installations are equipped with timers, so you can automatically set the time to turn the device on and off in accordance with the treatment schedule.

Every half hour, turn off the UV device and allow it to cool completely. On average, there are two full-fledged quartz sessions per day in a group of 30 minutes each.

SanPin for kindergarten. [274.00 KB]

Legislative framework in schools according to Sanpin.

The mode of ventilation of classrooms in schools according to SanPiN is legally prescribed in the appendix (SanPiN, adopted on 09/01/2011 and edited on 12/25/2013.

According to it, any educational institution must rely on accepted sanitary and hygienic rules.

Chapter VI indicates what standards are required for each class and office in the school.

The main ones are:

  • pp. 6.6 – classrooms are ventilated during breaks. Through ventilation is carried out before the start of lessons and after their completion. It is permissible to ventilate recreational ones during the lesson. The time is determined depending on the climate, weather and heating system operation.

Cross-ventilation of classrooms.

Table No. 1. Through ventilation according to SanPin

  • pp. 6.7 – physical education lessons are conducted in specially equipped rooms with good air volume and aeration.
  • When the outside air temperature is above + 5 C, it is allowed to open windows on the leeward side.
  • The wind speed should not be higher than 2 m/s. If the wind is stronger and the temperature is lower, open 1-3 transoms.
  • Through ventilation is allowed only for 1-1.5 minutes if it is 10 C outside and the wind is blowing at a speed of more than 7 m/s.
  • During recess and in the absence of students - 5-10 minutes.

Important! When ventilating, the indoor air temperature must not be allowed to drop below + 14 C.

  • Clause 6.8 – windows in classrooms and offices must have vents. As an option - folding transoms, which should function at any time of the year.
  • pp. 6.9 – the glazing area is maintained or increased if the window unit is changed.
  • pp. 6.11 – the school must have its own ventilation systems in the following rooms: assembly hall, classrooms, dining room, swimming pool, first-aid post, bathrooms and in rooms where cleaning equipment is stored.
  • If the school has carpentry, plumbing workshops or offices in which stoves are installed, mechanical exhaust ventilation will be equipped for them.
  • pp. 6.12 – at school the concentration of harmful substances should not be higher than the hygiene standards established in the locality.

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Why do you need to ventilate classrooms?

Stagnant, stale air is dominated by CO2 (carbon dioxide), which negatively affects brain activity.

The person becomes lethargic, concentration decreases.

Central heating dries out the air; with low humidity, the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose dry out, causing discomfort and creating the preconditions for frequent ARVI diseases.

In an unventilated room, the number of dust particles, allergens, microscopic mites increases, and favorable conditions are created for the development of mold on the walls.

Unpleasant odors appear.

It is impossible to gain knowledge or work in such conditions and is prohibited by sanitary and hygienic rules.

To stabilize the temperature, humidity and oxygen concentration, the classroom in the school is ventilated according to SanPin.

SanPiN for kindergartens

10.26.2018 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational organizations. The rules for organizing the contents and daily routine are designed to guarantee proper care for each child and ensure personal safety in a preschool educational institution. Such rules are established by sanitary and epidemiological institutes and are documented in a document called SanPiN.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations are aimed at protecting the health of children when carrying out activities for education, training, development and health, care and supervision in preschool educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions), as well as when providing child development services (development centers) in preschool organizations regardless of type, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. Contents of the article This normative document represents

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Natural ventilation in the school.

It means indoor air exchange that takes place without human intervention. Perhaps this is due to the difference in temperature outside and in the classrooms.

Ventilation is possible:

  1. Through the pores of the building (the material from which the school is built).
  2. Through holes in structures (slots).
  3. Through vents, transoms or loose frames or doors.

Of course, the air flow will be imperceptible; the amount of oxygen penetrating into the room will depend on the air permeability of the materials. Wooden and brick walls are considered the best.

Important! One child consumes about 4 m3 of air during the school day. For normal human life, the oxygen supplied through natural ventilation is not enough.

Therefore, it is imperative to open transoms and windows.

Supply and exhaust ventilation.

It is provided in every school. With its help you can regulate the humidity and temperature in the room.

The necessary microclimate is created by air passing through the grille and filter, on which debris and large dust particles settle.

A fan and heater are part of the exhaust system; when used, they regulate the temperature in the room and clean the air from carbon dioxide.

The supply and exhaust system is an auxiliary element in schools for ventilation. The main air circulation is provided through the windows.

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