Where to complain about snow removal in Moscow


The main grounds for filing a complaint are the residents’ oral appeal to the management of the HOA or management company that leads to nothing.
If your requests were ignored, and the snow lies, preventing everyone from moving around the house normally (or even getting to it), you have every right to ask the managers where exactly your money is going to clean the local area. After all, you pay for house maintenance every month, and from this amount the salary of the janitor, cleaner and other personnel called upon to keep the area in order is formed. Accordingly, if the snow is not removed, your funds are spent by the company unlawfully. Violations of this kind are not uncommon, especially when it comes to winter - the management of the management company often thinks that the residents themselves will calmly form the paths (after all, they still need to get out somehow), clean the areas around the cars, and there will be no need to spend money on additional janitor work . Of course, this is a violation of providing quality services to you.

Complaint to the management company

Before you begin to file a claim, you must familiarize yourself with the terms of the agreement concluded between the residents and the management company. It is there that the residents' requirements for snow removal during the winter are written down.

Example. The contract states that snow removal is carried out no more than once a week. During periods of heavy snowfall, one-time snow removal will not be enough. But since the contract contains such a condition, it will be difficult to present a claim to the management company, because the residents of the house themselves signed such an agreement. In such a situation, it is advisable to turn to the provisions of the law, which stipulate standards for snow removal, and begin challenging the terms of the contract. You may have to go to court.

A claim is drawn up in free form, in two copies, one of which is marked by the responsible person regarding acceptance of the document (remains with the person filing the claim).

What does the claim include:

  • name of the management company, full name of the official, address, telephone;
  • information about the sender (full name, residential address, telephone number for feedback);
  • a clear statement of the essence of the claim being made (what is the fault of the management company, what actions were not taken to remove the snow, what inconveniences were caused to the residents of the house, whether damage was caused);
  • links to the regulatory framework (the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.);
  • the requirements put forward;
  • date of filing the claim and signature of the person.

Within 30 days from the date of registration of the received complaint, a reasoned response must be prepared and proper snow removal must be carried out. As practice shows, management companies often shirk their responsibilities, even after a claim has been filed against them. If after 30 days the situation is not resolved, interested parties can contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

If the yard is overgrown with grass, where should you file a complaint?

Of course, you must first complain to the management company itself, since other authorities may not even consider your appeal if you have not tried to resolve the issue “independently” and “on the spot.” However, in practice, the following happens: you file a formal complaint with your HOA, following all the rules and regulations for filing applications, and the response is silence.

If you have not received a response to your appeal, you can indicate this as an aggravating circumstance when filing a complaint with another authority. After all, you tried to resolve everything peacefully, but the Criminal Code violated your rights to at least receive an answer to your appeal. And if you were given a written refusal, you can go straight to the Housing Inspectorate with this document.

According to the cleaning standards, the management company is obliged to clear the territory of snow on the day it falls after the snowfall has stopped. Three hours are allocated for cleaning the sidewalks, and they must be clean first. The frequency of these actions can be found in the agreement with your management company, and it is on its points that you should rely when drawing up a complaint.

Complaint about cleaning of local area

The housing inspection is the governing body for your area of ​​the city. It regulates the activities of all HOAs or management companies, and also verifies their compliance with laws, citizens’ rights and responsibilities for the proper maintenance of the house. A complaint to the Housing Authority may indicate that the building manager ignored or refused your request to remove snow from the yard and driveway.

After your application, the district administration will have to conduct an inspection of the actions of the employees of the management company and its management, and make its decision on when and with what means the cleaning should be carried out.

It also happens that snow removal is hampered by cars on the territory - in this case, the Housing Inspectorate must oblige the management company to warn the owners about the need to move them to other parking lots on the day or days when the treatment of the local area is scheduled. Refusal to move the cars may be a reason for the management company to complain against the residents, so you should convey to them the need to endure a couple of days of inconvenience so that the local area is cleared of snow.

The complaint is drawn up in free form, since events can be different, but the simple rules for its preparation should not be neglected. After all, this official document acts as a legal requirement, and may even serve as the reason for starting proceedings with dishonest HOAs.

  • Keep your presentation polite and dispassionate;
  • Do not send anonymous complaints; they can be ignored by law;
  • Indicate the full name of the HOA or management company, or the organization where you are filing the complaint (the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, the Housing Inspectorate of your area, the city administration, etc.);
  • Consistently describe the inaction of the management company;
  • Put forward legal demands based on agreements and articles in the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Write a complaint in two copies, and also attach photos and videos as evidence;
  • Do not give the originals of evidence to anyone - attach only copies of existing documents;
  • Submit your complaint in person or by registered letter with notification.

Such claims should be considered by the HOA or the Housing Inspectorate for no longer than 30 days, but if the condition of the house is critical and snow removal is an emergency, the period is reduced to five. Be sure to indicate the date the complaint was filed, and also sign it - this is done in accordance with the requirements for processing citizens’ appeals.

What to do if the yard is not cleaned? The above norms and rules are mandatory for all organizations providing maintenance to apartment buildings and adjacent areas. If the procedure for cleaning yards, playgrounds and sidewalks is not followed by your management company, then you have the right to send a complaint (claim) to the management of your management company.

The complaint must be submitted in writing; it can be made either from one tenant or collectively signed by a group of tenants. The text of the claim can be free or according to the sample given below. It is imperative to indicate to whom and from whom the application is being sent, describe the essence of the problem and certify the application with a personal signature and date.

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The document must contain:

  • Company name;
  • its legal address;
  • information about the official.

Sidewalks Utilities are also responsible for keeping sidewalks clean. They must monitor the condition of objects. First of all, snow should be removed from:

  1. stops,
  2. pedestrian crossings,
  3. places with large crowds of people,
  4. socially significant objects:
      hospitals and clinics,
  5. large department stores,
  6. educational institutions,
  7. theaters,
  8. metro stations.

Complaint about cleaning of local area

Snow must be moved to areas that are not in use, where it will not interfere with the movement of people. Snow piles must be removed 2–4 days after completion of work, if the thickness of the removed snow cover did not exceed 6 cm. If the layer of snow reaches a large size, then 6–9 days are given for cleaning work.

During snowfall, cleaning of local areas is carried out as follows:

  • if the sidewalk traffic exceeds 100 people per hour, then the snow must be removed every hour;
  • if the sidewalk traffic is between 50 and 100 people per hour, it must be cleaned every 2 hours;
  • Low-traffic sidewalks with a traffic intensity of up to 50 people per hour are cleaned every 3 hours.

If snowfall makes it impossible to move around the area, cleaning must be carried out continuously. However, in this case, the janitor is not required to completely clear the road: it is enough for him to clear a 3m wide path to ensure unhindered pedestrian movement. Complete elimination of the consequences of snowfall should be completed 6 hours after the end of the snowfall.

Date of the order (date in the response from Admtekhnadzor){amp}gt; Gosadmtekhnadzor sent an order to eliminate these violations to the Administration of Vidnoye and the service organization. In accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for drawing up and issuing by officials of the State Technical Supervision Service of the Moscow Region. instructions to eliminate identified violations in the field of improvement and monitor their implementation" dated October 16, 2006.

No. 6-r, when setting a deadline for eliminating the identified violation, the official of the State Technical Supervision Authority of the Moscow Region who issued the order must take into account the objective possibility of eliminating the violation within the established period. The period for eliminating identified violations should not exceed one month from the date of issue of the order.

The violations were not eliminated within the period established by law after sending the order.

Management companies and homeowners associations should be responsible for removing snow from adjacent areas. Therefore, in the absence of snow removal, residents have the right to complain to higher authorities.

Table 1. Authorities to contact if snow is not cleared from yard areas

NeedWhere to contact
Clearing snow in the courtyard, local roads and parking lots, children's and sports grounds, as well as lawnsManagement company or HOA
Clearing snow in local areas and complaining about the inaction of the management company or HOAHousing inspection
Clearing snow in local areas and complaining about the inaction of the management company or HOA, as well as the housing inspectionRegional prosecutor's office

Cleaning the local area is an integral part of the duties of public utilities and grass removal must also be carried out in accordance with established standards.

Snow removal

Is Quito responsible for the condition of roads in high-rise buildings? See here.

But quite often such situations occur that the grass is not removed and the yards become overgrown and not only give an unesthetic appearance, but create fire hazards, especially on hot days.

Complaint to the Criminal Code

Of course, you must first complain to the management company itself, since other authorities may not even consider your appeal if you have not tried to resolve the issue “independently” and “on the spot.” However, in practice, the following happens: you file a formal complaint with your HOA, following all the rules and regulations for filing applications, and the response is silence. You get ignored, unsubscribed about the start dates for snow removal work, or a refusal to satisfy demands due to lack of funds. As a rule, management companies prefer to completely ignore such complaints, so a complaint directly to managers has a completely different function than it should have .

If you have not received a response to your appeal, you can indicate this as an aggravating circumstance when filing a complaint with another authority. After all, you tried to resolve everything peacefully, but the Criminal Code violated your rights to at least receive an answer to your appeal. And if you were given a written refusal, you can go straight to the Housing Inspectorate with this document.

According to the cleaning standards, the management company is obliged to clear the territory of snow on the day it falls after the snowfall has stopped . Three hours are allocated for cleaning the sidewalks, and they must be clean first. The frequency of these actions can be found in the agreement with your management company, and it is on its points that you should rely when drawing up a complaint.

If the cleaning was not carried out or the residents themselves decided to do it, you can demand compensation from the management company for expenses for services that were not provided. Usually, direct contact with the HOA is not enough, and you have to send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

How to properly remove snow in the yard and where to complain if the snow is not removed

Any person living in an apartment building pays significant utility bills for various types of work carried out by the management company. Therefore, people demand that these organizations properly fulfill their responsibilities. This includes high-quality and timely removal of snow that accumulates in the yard.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

You need to complain about improper cleaning of city sidewalks and highways to:

  1. City administration (to the administrative and technical inspection).
  2. State traffic inspectorate of a particular city.

Complaint about cleaning of local area

It can be done:

  • personally,
  • in the electronic reception area.

The complaint must be responded to within 8 days. If no measures have been taken, you can file a claim with the Prosecutor's Office.

You need to complain to the management company or the HOA about poor quality cleaning of local areas. Contacts of the organization can be seen on the ground floor in each entrance. One copy of the claim must be given to the head of the management company, and the second copy must be left with the applicant, having previously been stamped.

If the claim has not been considered, residents of the building can file a collective complaint with the Housing Inspectorate of their city.

You can also send a complaint to the Russian Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Service so that representatives of this organization can check how well officials perform their duties and, if necessary, punish them.

If all this does not help, residents of the house have the right to file a lawsuit.

According to Code of Administrative Offenses 7.22, for violation of the rules for maintaining local areas, a fine of 4,000 to 5,000 is provided for an official and from 40,000 to 50,000 for a legal entity.

For this work, both simple shovels and scrapers are used, as well as special snow removal equipment designed for use in the courtyards of multi-story buildings.

The cleaning itself may include several labor-intensive processes assigned to the employees of the Management Company, janitors:

  1. With the help of shovels and scrapers, the asphalt of sidewalks, platforms, and access roads is cleared of the snow layer.
  2. As part of the service, plantings in the local area must be cleared of snow cover.
  3. Snow is also cleared from children's and sports playgrounds using scrapers.
  4. It is assumed that reagents will be used to eliminate dangerous slipping. In this way, the possibility of injury to residents of the house during icy conditions is reduced.
  5. Volumes of snow removed from the yard must be transported to specially designated areas.

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Of course, the standards for trails of different cross-country ability are different:

  • 4 hours for city roads with continuous traffic and a traffic volume of more than 3,000 vehicles per day;
  • highways of citywide and regional importance with regulated traffic and traffic from 1000 to 3000 cars per day must be cleared within 5 hours;
  • 6 hours for local roads with a traffic volume of less than 1000 vehicles per day.

If the snowfall is heavy or very prolonged and the snow layer exceeds 5 cm, road clearing should begin before the snowfall ends. In this case, the snow must be removed every time a 5-centimeter layer falls.

Various organizations are responsible for snow removal in city areas. Before writing a complaint about snow removal, it is necessary to determine who exactly was negligent in performing their duties.

The city administration website will help you understand which organization this or that site belongs to. There are maps of harvesting areas on which the boundaries of responsibility of management companies are marked.

Complaint to the Housing Inspectorate

The housing inspection is the governing body for your area of ​​the city. It regulates the activities of all HOAs or management companies, and also checks their compliance with laws, citizens’ rights and responsibilities for the proper maintenance of the house . A complaint to the Housing Authority may indicate that the building manager ignored or refused your request to remove snow from the yard and driveway.

After your application, the district administration will have to conduct an inspection of the actions of the employees of the management company and its management, and make its decision on when and with what means the cleaning should be carried out.

It also happens that snow removal is hampered by cars on the territory - in this case, the Housing Inspectorate must oblige the management company to warn the owners about the need to move them to other parking lots on the day or days when the treatment of the local area is scheduled. Refusal to move the cars may be a reason for the management company to complain against the residents, so you should convey to them the need to endure a couple of days of inconvenience so that the local area is cleared of snow.

For failure to clear snow cover on access roads and pedestrian roads leading to the house, legal entities may receive a fine of 70 thousand rubles.

Sample claim for cleaning of local area

Often citizens are faced with the fact that the yard itself, parking spaces and areas remain uncleaned from snow, so difficulties arise when moving on sidewalks or driving on roads.

If the management company does not fulfill its responsibilities in good faith, and therefore does not remove snow from sidewalks and roads in winter, this may result in the imposition of a significant fine.

In Art. 6.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Moscow Region states that if a company does not cope with the removal of snow or ice formed on the roof, then this is accompanied by the need to pay a fine for legal entities equal to 70 thousand rubles.

  • examination results;
  • the cost of the restoration work carried out or their preliminary estimate.

Complaint about cleaning of local area

In 99% of cases, compensation for damage will have to be sought through the court, since the management company is a commercial organization whose goal is to make a profit by providing services to citizens for the effective management of apartment buildings. Recalculation An application for recalculation is submitted to the Criminal Code in the event of an erroneous calculation of payment for utility services.

Cleaning the house and garden areas in the summer is also very important, as in any other season.

Where to file complaints

If questions or complaints arise regarding snow removal in Moscow, residents can complain in any way convenient for them.

Problem areaWhere to submitFeeding method
Yards, roofsthe complaint is submitted to the management company, HOA, owner of the site or building.The telephone number and address can be found in the receipt for utilities or in the public domain on the portal “Houses of Moscow”, “Zhilischnik” (contacts are in a special section on the website of the mayor of the capital).
Yards, roofs, roads, sidewalks“hot lines” of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections (OATI)8
roads, surface stops, separate tram tracksin contact-8, 3210
underground passagesto the 24-hour telephone number of the control room of the State Unitary Enterprise "Gormost"8 or by email – [email protected]

Interested parties can complain through the electronic reception desk. Depending on the area where snow removal is not carried out, the complaint is submitted through:

  • portal “Our City”, when it comes to courtyards, roads, sidewalks and parks.
  • website of the district and prefectural district administration (yards, roofs, roads).
  • website of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections (OATI)
  • Moscow Transport portal (ground transport stops, separate tram tracks)
  • e-mail of State Unitary Enterprise "Gormost" (underground passages);
  • portal of the mayor of Moscow (all city territories).

Sample claim for cleaning of local area

As mentioned above, despite the fact that we serve ourselves, we are required to pay fees for the maintenance and repair of public utilities regularly. And there are no concessions here. Of course, one can argue that all expenses incurred by the owners of premises for the maintenance and repair of public utilities can be reimbursed from management organizations through the court.

But we must also take into account our mentality. Well, who is going to sue us over one pipe or light bulb or something like that. In the end, it turns out that we ourselves, at our own expense, are engaged in Timurov’s work for the interests of our housing and communal services. with one small difference: under the “anti-people” communist regime, no one took money from Timur’s people for their charity. which cannot be said about our time. Just try not to pay the utility companies even if they haven’t done anything for you.

Document constructor Claims Documents on claims Claims Claim against the management company A claim against the management company (MC) is sent when its specialists do not perform their functions properly. The management company is obliged to provide:

  • uninterrupted hot and cold water supply to an apartment building;
  • protection of premises from flooding;
  • cleaning the area in front of the apartment building;
  • careful maintenance of common household property;
  • carrying out major repair work.
  • List of items that the sample claim includes:
  • Name of the management company;
  • Description of the problem to be solved;
  • List of requirements;
  • Details and signatures indicating the date of submission (stamp, if the applicant is an organization).

It is more reliable to send the completed document by mail in the form of a registered letter with a notification that it has been delivered to the addressee.

I, name1 name2 name3, live in an apartment building located at the address: postindex, gorod, street, build house, apt. home You manage this apartment building. At the same time, you provide services and perform work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and violate the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock. (Approved

Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170) and the Rules for the provision of services and performance of work necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 No. 290). In clause 1.8. Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock (approved by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003

Regulations and frequency of work on cleaning the entrance

Maintaining common property in a satisfactory sanitary condition is the task of the management company.

According to current legislation, the following cleaning work must be performed in the entrances of apartment buildings:

  • on landings and flights of the lower two floors - wet sweeping daily;
  • above the second floor - wet sweeping twice a week when there is no elevator, once - if there is one;
  • in areas in front of the loading valves of garbage chutes - wet sweeping daily;
  • landings and flights of stairs - washing twice a month if the entrance is not equipped with an elevator, once - when there is one;
  • elevator cabin – washed daily;
  • walls, doors, lampshades and ceiling of the elevator car - wet wipe twice a month;
  • windows - washed once a year;
  • area in front of the entrance, metal grating and pit - cleaning and cleaning once a week;
  • walls, doors, entrance lamps - wet wipe once a year;
  • window sills and heating devices – wet wipe twice a year.

Separate standards apply to the cleaning of garbage chutes:

  • preventive examination - twice a month;
  • removal of garbage from cells - daily;
  • cleaning of cells - daily;
  • cleaning loading valves - once a week;
  • washing of replaceable waste bins - daily;
  • washing the lower part of the barrel and gate - once a month;
  • cleaning and disinfection of all barrel elements - once a month;
  • disinfection of waste bins – once a month;
  • removing blockages - if necessary.

Where to complain about poor quality cleaning

It is the housing inspectors working in each municipality who must monitor the correctness and timeliness of clearing yards from large amounts of accumulated snow.

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To convey information to them, you need to file a complaint with the regional administration.

Before filing a complaint with any authorities, residents should carefully study the contract, as it often indicates the frequency of cleaning, presented twice per season.

HOA: rights and responsibilities? Read here.

This is considered too little for the normal life of people, but the inspection authorities will not be able to do anything, since the management company fulfills the wishes of customers.


The complaint is drawn up in free form , since events may be different, but the simple rules for its preparation should not be neglected. After all, this official document acts as a legal requirement, and may even serve as the reason for starting proceedings with dishonest HOAs.

  • Keep your presentation polite and dispassionate;
  • Do not send anonymous complaints; they can be ignored by law;
  • Indicate the full name of the HOA or management company, or the organization where you are filing the complaint (the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor, the Housing Inspectorate of your area, the city administration, etc.);
  • Consistently describe the inaction of the management company;
  • Put forward legal demands based on agreements and articles in the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Write a complaint in two copies, and also attach photos and videos as evidence;
  • Do not give the originals of evidence to anyone - attach only copies of existing documents;
  • Submit your complaint in person or by registered letter with notification.

Sample complaint about snow removal.doc

Such claims should be considered by the HOA or the Housing Inspectorate no longer than 30 days , however, if the condition of the house is critical and snow removal is an urgent matter, the period is reduced to five. Be sure to indicate the date the complaint was filed, and also sign it - this is done in accordance with the requirements for processing citizens’ appeals.

Other interesting questions regarding yard cleaning

Many residents of apartment buildings have many questions regarding proper snow removal from the area.

There are specific regulations that management companies must follow. Additionally, the amount of precipitation that falls over a certain period is taken into account.

These areas are cleaned by the management company or other organizations that are responsible for these areas.

A sample complaint is not a failure of the Criminal Code to fulfill its duties.

If parking lots are located near shopping centers or other institutions, then wipers are responsible for cleaning.

Parking lots in courtyards are cleaned by representatives of the management company.

To apply reagents, janitors use special dispensing trolleys equipped with special divisions on the handle.

With their help, you can regulate how much reagents will be poured onto the road or sidewalk. Further, moving around the area with a cart, the janitor will evenly distribute this substance.

Only 30% of the area is treated near entrances and on sidewalks. It is completely prohibited to use reagents in parks or playgrounds.

It is not uncommon for precipitation to occur throughout the night, requiring the area to be cleared without interruption.

In this case, a transition to round-the-clock work will certainly be made.

Therefore, tractors or other special equipment clean the roads and sidewalks in courtyards one by one.

Where to complain about the cleaner

Before filing a complaint, you need to decide who to file it with.

Be very careful about the addressee of the complaint. This could be the head of a department, the head of an organization, or a supervisory body. The correct choice of the addressee is the key to the promptness of consideration of the complaint and the quality of its consideration.

Don’t forget about the “ladder” principle – complaining one by one from a lower-ranking official to a higher-ranking one. You should not immediately complain to the governor or president. It would be most effective to write a complaint in the following order:

Each situation is individual - do not hesitate to ask questions:

  1. in comments;
  2. in the online consultant window at the bottom of the page ↘️
  3. in the form at the bottom of the page.
  • immediate supervisor (manager);
  • head of the organization (director);
  • supervisory (control) body or service;
  • prosecutor's office

We offer our sample complaint, in which we tried to take into account all typical situations. You can correct and supplement the specified sample - the complaint does not have a mandatory prescribed form.

The information contained in this article does not apply to relations related to the protection of consumer rights.

Before writing and filing a complaint against a cleaner, we recommend that you:

  • receive free legal advice on civil rights, which will save your time;
  • read the following materials on our resource: how to write a complaint correctly and how to submit a complaint correctly.

Don't clear the snow? we send complaints about late snow removal

The standards for servicing houses and local areas, the list of which is given in government regulations, are mandatory for all service organizations, be it a public health unit or a commercial management company. In accordance with Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a copy of the management agreement for an apartment building with all appendices must be provided to each owner after signing by the parties.

If you do not have the contract in hand, you can request your copy from the management organization. Who is responsible for cleaning the yard? According to clause 3.6.1. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170, cleaning of courtyards, gardens, intra-block driveways, roads and territories from debris and sediment is carried out by organizations involved in servicing the housing stock. It is allowed to involve specialized services and equipment in cleaning sidewalks.

Standards for cleaning entrances of apartment buildings

Contents of the article Cleanliness is the key to health.

Every reasonable person knows about this. Everyone is responsible for the order within the walls of their own apartment - those who want to live comfortably clean almost every day. Cleaning entrances is another matter.

According to Article 36 of the Housing Code, this territory is a common area, which means that responsibility for it (including maintenance in proper order) lies with the housing and communal services management company (MC) that manages the apartment building. Consequently, residents of apartment buildings should not and are not obliged to clean their entrance. But what to do if in practice it turns out differently - the housing and communal services management company is in no hurry to maintain the entrance, and the residents take turns putting things in order?

You will have to figure it out, write complaints, and defend your legal rights in every possible way. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There is no law that every front door must have its own entrance cleaner.

The same entrance cleaner can service 3, 5 or even 10 areas at the same time. But if there is no such specialist at all, then there is a direct violation of legal norms. The fact that the cleaning of staircases must be carried out by employees of the management company or the contractor with whom the agreement is concluded is reflected in the legal provisions.

Namely: “rules and standards for the technical operation of housing stock” No. 170, approved by the Decree of the country’s political system dated September 27, 2003; Decree of the Government of Russia No. 290 of April 3, 2013; GOST of Russia 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services and services.

So that we know what we are paying for.

Now each entrance cleaning will be noted in a document signed by the resident

After the decree came into force on December 31, 2020.

No. 535 “On the provision of housing and communal services”, a separate line “Sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises” appeared in the fats.

For a standard two-room apartment in a 9-story building, this service costs about 25 thousand rubles per month.

Seeing such amounts, residents began to demand that the service be provided in a timely and high-quality manner. The capital's housing and communal services have invented a way to avoid disagreements on the issue of whether the entrance was cleaned or not. According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 20, 2013 No. 12, dry cleaning of waste from MOP must be carried out at least twice a week, washing and disinfection of staircases with an elevator and garbage chute - 2 times a month. “In the entrances there should be information indicating the days and types of cleaning, which is updated every month,” explains Alla Izhevskaya, deputy director for improvement and sanitary maintenance of the housing stock of the Sovetsky district housing and communal services establishment.

— Often these schedules are torn off and covered with advertising leaflets. If there is no schedule, residents can call their housing department or call 115 - they will post a new one.

The main question: how can residents monitor the cleaning process? Moreover, at this time many are at work. The capital's housing and communal services have introduced a mechanism.

Now the wipers carry a blank A4 sheet of paper with them

“Certificate of acceptance of work performed on sanitary cleaning of public areas”

. It indicates the address of the house and the entrance number, and sets the date and type of cleaning.

At stops and stations

Complaint about cleaning of local area

At bus stops, near metro stations and train stations, snow must be cleared after every five centimeters of snow falls. And five hours are allotted for complete cleaning after the end of the snowfall.

In case of ice, asphalt and tiles are quickly treated with a reagent. By November 1, 5,620 bright orange containers with an emergency supply of deicing mixture were installed in the capital. They were placed near public transport stops, MCC and metro stations, pedestrian routes, on pedestrian routes, near social facilities, near underground pedestrian crossings and transport hubs.

A manual cleaning team is assigned to each address, which will inspect the area, process it, and also replenish containers with granite crushed stone.

Complaints about housing and communal services. Sample applications

To obtain advice on the disclosure of information by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings, as well as on issues of resettlement of citizens and major repairs, contact the Fund's Hotline at 8 (800) 700-8989 on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (time Moscow). You can file complaints about the inaction of your housing office, management company and homeowners association in the housing and communal services sector in or in your region.

in doc(Word) format. A sample application (complaint) that needs to be printed and taken to the management company, homeowners association (replace your data and residential address), if mold has appeared on the walls of your house and there are no actions to eliminate it. in doc (Word) format. A sample application (complaint), which must be printed and taken to the management company, HOA (replace your data and residential address), if cold water flows from the tap in your apartment instead of hot. in doc(Word) format. Sample application (complaint) needed

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