Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights / Services and consumer protection
Published: 08/24/2018
Reading time: 6 min
A complaint against a driver is filed in the following cases:
- uncivil behavior with passengers;
- the vehicle does not move according to schedule;
- deviation from a given route;
- refusal to disembark passengers at stops;
- traffic violation;
- non-compliance by the driver with the points of the job description (smoking, talking on a mobile phone, drinking alcohol);
- refusal to provide services on a preferential basis.
After the application is reviewed, the driver is required to write an explanatory note. If the complaint is justified, he may be subject to disciplinary action.
- Where can I complain about the work of carriers? By telephone
- By Russian Post
- Via the official website of Mosgortrans
- To the Ministry of Transport
- To the Municipal Administration
- On the Dobrodel website
In some situations, complaints are received not against a specific driver, but against the operation of the entire route as a whole. This is usually due to the fact that the carrier organization does not fulfill its obligations as specified in the contract. For example, Mosgortrans enters into contracts with various carrier companies. If complaints are received against any of the companies, Mosgortrans has the right to file a claim against it or terminate the contract altogether.
The controllers' task is to verify that the fare has been paid. If there is inappropriate behavior of controllers towards passengers, a complaint about such behavior must be addressed to the regulatory authorities.
Rules for using ground urban transport
General rules for the use of urban transport were developed in accordance with the law of the Civil Code of Russia. The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” was issued on February 7, 1992. On November 8, 2007, the Law “Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport” came into force. On October 23, 1993, the Council of Ministers of the Government adopted the law “On Road Traffic Rules”.
The above laws control the proper use of surface urban transport. In addition, they are necessary to automate fare control and payment systems. These rules must be freely available in every vehicle interior.
Common mistakes when independently preparing and sending applications to Mosgortrans
Error 1. As you know, when you contact the Mosgortrans cash desk with a complaint about a faulty transport card, the cashier offers to submit it for examination. The passenger has the right to refuse this offer. But he must understand that the card will not be replaced automatically, without an examination.
As for the cashier, if the passenger refuses, he is obliged to notify that he can contact the agency directly on this issue.
Error 2. You should know that when traveling on preferential terms (without payment or at a discount), the passenger must have with him a document confirming the right to transport benefits. This requirement is mandatory and applies to all beneficiaries.
Error 3. They do not restore an unnamed transport card, as well as a “Troika” card if they are lost. In this case, unused money and payment for services are not returned or compensated.
What rules must the carrier follow?
When transporting passengers, every driver must know and use generally accepted rules. Carriers are obliged:
- Transport people of all categories, including disabled people, to their destination along a specific route.
- There should be tables at the stops with their names. In addition, at each stop there should be a schedule of all passing routes.
- Carriers are required to adhere to the schedule on the public transport route.
- The transport company is obliged to provide passengers with up-to-date information in the event of a route change or closure.
- Before leaving for the route, the driver must check the sanitary and technical condition of the vehicle; the driver himself must under no circumstances be under the influence of alcohol or drugs; he must be in normal health, allowing him to drive the vehicle without the risk of creating emergency situations.
- Maximize the safety of passengers during transportation.
The carrier bears full responsibility for violations of rules and laws.
Sample complaint against the controller
The document can be written in any form, adhering to the requirements of current legislation. When compiling it, it is important to follow these rules:
- In the “header” it is necessary to indicate the exact and full name of the recipient (name of the enterprise, its address, full name of the official, position held by him, etc.).
- The text should clearly and concisely describe the circumstances of the incident and identify the persons involved. If the applicant cannot provide the full name of the employee, then it is enough to indicate the route number, time of the incident and the transport company.
- In the text, the citizen must briefly formulate his demands (for example, that the company fire the employee, pay monetary compensation for damage, etc.).
- At the end of the complaint, it is important to make an inventory of the attachments to prevent their loss (receipts, photographs, etc.).
If it is established that the passenger provided knowingly false information and groundlessly accused the controller of violating his rights, he will not be able to avoid liability under the law.
You can make a complaint using the following example:
Responsibilities of a passenger transport driver
When transporting citizens, each driver must fulfill his duties and not violate them. He is obliged:
- Follow traffic rules.
- Ensure safe transportation of citizens.
- Respond to information from passengers about a problem in the vehicle interior: smoke, fire, burning smell, as well as suspicious objects that may affect the health and life of passengers.
- Inform citizens about the names of stops.
- Sell tickets only at stops.
- Issue tickets after receiving payment.
- Disembarkation and landing only at stops.
- Take passengers according to the number of seats on the bus.
- Follow the schedule and do not break the route.
- Indicate on the transport the route number and the name of the final stop.
- Ensure safe disembarkation, including for people with disabilities.
- Follow your job description.
Procedure for traveling in a city vehicle
When traveling in public transport, there are procedures that the driver and passengers must follow. Passengers are obliged to:
- Buy a ticket and validate it.
- Keep your ticket until the end of your trip.
- Have documents that allow free travel (if any in principle).
- Present your ticket or your documents to the conductor or controller.
- Pay a fine if unpaid travel is discovered during the inspection.
- During the trip, hold on to the handrails.
- Do not occupy seats reserved for disabled people.
- Maintain order in transport.
- Release the vehicle upon arrival at the final stop.
- If a passenger buys a ticket from the driver, then you should prepare the money in advance and not delay the vehicle.
Every passenger must know not only the responsibilities, but also the rights while traveling in transport. He can:
- Do not pay for travel for children under 7 years old.
- Carrying strollers and children's sleds free of charge.
- Transport birds and animals in a cage (the cage should not exceed the size of hand luggage).
- Ride in public transport for free if the previous one breaks down before reaching the desired stop.
- Disabled people have the right to travel with benefits.
Rules for filing a complaint
The application must provide complete information about the incident.
This will help the company management understand the situation and understand whether the applicant’s demands are legitimate. The nature of the complaint may vary. It depends on the incident. The document must indicate:
- name of the institution where the complaint is filed;
- personal and contact details of the applicant (full name, address, telephone);
- information about the employee who committed the violation;
- information about the direction of movement;
- location of the incident (for example, at which stop the incident occurred);
- detailed description of the incident;
- a passenger’s request, for example, to conduct a check and punish a driver who did not stop at a stop;
- documents attached as evidence (photos, audio or video recordings, witness statements);
- date of filing the complaint;
- applicant's signature.
Download a sample complaint to Mosgortrans
If passengers encounter rudeness from the carrier's staff, they can call the police. The employee records inappropriate behavior. This protocol can be attached as evidence of the incident.
In addition, you need to follow simple rules for filing a claim. It is necessary to write briefly and clearly, so that there is no other interpretation of the address. Make references to the law whose clauses were violated.
Anonymous requests will not be considered. Citizens must provide complete information about themselves and contacts for feedback.
What are the violations?
There are special rules for the use of land vehicles that drivers must follow when transporting passengers. Not everyone follows these rules, although they know them.
Every day, passengers may encounter rudeness and tactlessness from transport workers. List of daily violations:
- gross violation of the route schedule;
- rudeness;
- the driver can smoke while driving;
- dirt in the cabin;
- refusal to carry privileged passengers.
Such behavior is unacceptable in a democratic and rule-of-law country. For such offenses, the driver must lose bonuses, receive a fine, or he may be fired under the article. Such dismissal can significantly affect the driver's future employment. If such an unpleasant incident occurs, the victim should not remain silent and think that his complaint about the bus will not be considered and taken into account.
Where can I call?
It is enough to report the problem indicating the route number, the vehicle's license plate and (if possible) the driver's last name.
Phone numbers
According to current legislation, contact details of regulatory authorities must be located on an information stand in the cabin of a bus, tram or trolleybus. This information is also posted on official websites.
You can submit an application to the Mosgortrans contact center by number or 3210 from your mobile phone for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.
Residents of St. Petersburg can complain to the transport department by calling 8 (812) 458-75-74.
Contact information for the transport department in a particular region can be found on the department's official website.
Hot lines
Mosgortrans hotline – 8 (495) 950-42-04.
The telephone number of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is.
By contacting the ministry's hotline, the call can be redirected to the department that deals with complaints.
Consistent algorithm of actions of a victim in a conflict with a bus driver
During a conflict with the driver, the passenger must call the hotline or write a registered letter to the transport company. A sample complaint about buses can be obtained from the appeal authority. When writing a letter or talking on the phone, the victim must control his emotions and not use profanity or profanity. To obtain a fair outcome, the passenger must do the following:
- find out the driver's name;
- write down license plates;
- take contact details of witnesses;
- choose the authority to file a claim and apply in writing or orally.
You must understand that anonymous complaints will not be taken into account. The letter should ask about the deadline for resolving the issue and notification of the decision. Only conscientious passengers, through active actions, can monitor the conscientious and professional performance of work by city transport employees.
Citizen complaints about faulty travel tickets and transport cards
A complaint is a citizen’s demand in writing, which is addressed to the authorized body. It is characterized by: a brief description and a laconic request. It is complaints and applications that are filed in cases of administrative and legal relations. Their goal: restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of citizens.
For the most part, passengers complain about the use of travel tickets, the slow operation of public transport, and schedule violations. Mobility, quantity, quality of service are the main issues that interest citizens.
Often the reason for requests is that tickets and cards do not work. We are talking about transport cards, “Troika”, single tickets, as well as “90 minutes”, “Ultralight”. This issue can be resolved through the kiosk of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans. When contacting the ticket agent, the passenger must verbally describe the problem and present a travel document. According to the routine procedure, it must be sent for examination, the results of which will determine whether it is in good working order or not.
A ticket is considered faulty if it has visible damage and violations of the magnetic stripe (recordings on it). In this case, the contactless ticket cannot be read. Travel tickets with damage or irregularities are not readable and will not be accepted by the devices.
The faulty ticket will be replaced, and the correct one will be returned to the passenger. Refunds, as well as replacements, are made at the kiosk where the passenger filed the complaint.
It should be borne in mind that if the SCM (another travel document), according to which preferential travel is provided (without payment, at a discount), does not work, then the passenger must be allowed through the second entrance. The exception is tickets that are included in the stop list.
Where can you complain about a passenger transport driver?
What to do and where to complain about unacceptable driver behavior? You can file a complaint about the bus with the city government. The contact telephone number and address of such management must be posted in the vehicle interior. As soon as a passenger has become a witness or participant in a conflict, it is necessary to urgently call the specified phone number and present your claims.
In addition to calling, you can write an official letter to the passenger transport control organization. The letter must be sent by mail. It must be accompanied by notification of receipt. A complaint against a bus driver must contain the victim's claim. To receive a response, you must provide your passport details, place of residence and postal code. A complaint about a bus is reviewed within one month.
How to write a complaint about a minibus taxi
A complaint about a minibus taxi can be either individual or collective (if several people were injured as a result of the incident).
There are no strict templates for a complaint; it is enough to follow the basic recommendations for filing it:
- It is mandatory to have a “header” of the complaint indicating the organization receiving the complaint, the full name of the official, as well as contact information and the full name of the sender. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted for consideration.
- The essence of the incident must be stated as concisely as possible. Avoid unnecessary emotions, threats against anyone, and obscene language.
- Be sure to indicate the license plate number of the minibus, the driver's name, the date and location of the incident.
- You can also refer to the legislative framework and indicate which articles of the Constitution or laws of the Russian Federation were violated.
- In the final part, write down what you are seeking (compensation for damage, administrative penalties from the perpetrators, etc.).
- If you have any documents confirming your words (photos, audio materials, witness statements, copies of previously filed complaints, etc.), attach copies to the letter. The text of the complaint must include a list of these documents.
- The complaint must contain the date of compilation, signature and transcript of the applicant’s signature.
Requirements for filling out electronic forms:
- The size of the complaint should not exceed the permissible limit;
- It is permissible to attach attachments to the request in the form of one file (without archiving) in the following formats: txt, docx, doc, rtf, xls, pps, ppt, pdf, jpg, bmp, png, tif, pcx, mp3, wma, avi, mp4, mkv, wmv, mov, flv;
- The file size cannot exceed 5 MB;
- Complaints containing more text than allowed or a large number of files must be sent by regular mail.
According to Art. 12 of Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”: A written appeal received by a state body, local government body or official in accordance with their competence is considered within 30 days from the date of registration written request.
The response to the complaint is sent to the address specified in the text of the appeal or by e-mail.
Sample complaint against a minibus driver
An example of writing a complaint against a minibus taxi from a citizen who suffered as a result of unlawful actions of the driver of the vehicle.
General Director of Trans-Auto LLC Rylsky Gennady Petrovich Dobronravova Marina Nikolaevna, living at the address: 188540, Leningrad region, Sosnovy Bor, st. Kosmonavtov, 23telephone: 8-(427-23) 1-23-45
On June 15, 2020, my mother, Elena Nikanorovna Glushchuk (born August 29, 1948), was seriously injured as a result of the unprofessional actions of the driver of minibus No. 25 (register number AN 1234 VG) Sergei Sergeevich Petrovsky.
06/15/2016 around 21:45, disembarking passengers at the bus stop. The Komsomol driver, without waiting for the passengers to leave the cabin, closed the door and started driving. My mother did not have time to get off, fell and hit her face very hard on the curb. As a result, a fracture of the bridge of the nose, a concussion, and a fracture of the femoral neck.
The driver did not stop, did not provide assistance, but simply fled the scene.
Doctors have concluded that she will not be able to walk any time soon. Expensive treatment and long-term rehabilitation are required.
I demand that this incident be looked into and that Elena Nikanorovna Glushchuk, born on August 29, 2948, be reimbursed for the cost of the operation and medications (I am attaching receipts and extracts from the medical history). I also demand the dismissal of the driver Petrovsky S.S. Otherwise, I will complain to the Prosecutor's Office of Sosnovy Bor.
Please send a written response within the time limits established by law to my residential address: 188540, Leningrad Region, Sosnovy Bor, st. Kosmonavtov, 23.
07/20/2016 ____________ M. N. Dobronravova
List of attached documents:
- Witness testimony dated June 20, 2016.
- Extract from the medical history.
- X-ray pictures.
- Receipts for payment for medical services (stay in the ward, surgery) dated June 15, 2016.
- Receipts for medicines for the period from 06/15/2016 to 07/22/2016.
Portal "Dobrodel"
The Dobrodel portal is an electronic book that is designed for suggestions and complaints in the Moscow region. It was created in 2015 to regulate the work of the authorities with city residents.
To leave a complaint about a bus or a specific route driver, the victim must register on the website. During registration, the program will ask for your first name, last name, email address and password. To confirm your registration, you will receive an authorization link to the specified email.
A complaint about a bus or carrier should be left in the “Report a problem” section. When filing a complaint, you must provide the exact address. Within eight working days, the appeal will be reviewed and the applicant will receive a response.
Where to write a claim for bus service
Many passengers do not even realize how many authorities there are where they can defend their rights and punish a negligent driver. It doesn’t matter whether the buses run poorly or the conductor was rude, the bus missed a stop or the driver created an emergency situation - choose a convenient way and boldly fight for the truth:
Transport company
The interior of each public transport unit is equipped with a sign with the coordinates of the company responsible for this route.
(or individual entrepreneur), address and telephone numbers. You need to write down or take a photo of this data on your phone.
For example, you need to complain about buses in Moscow to the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans. All his contacts are listed on the sign. Other localities will have their own data.
In large cities, public transport companies have their own websites where you can fill out a special form with a claim:
- Moscow - transport.mos.ru;
- St. Petersburg - orgp.spb.ru/treatment/.
Hotline numbers:
- Moscow - 8 (495) 9504204
; - Saint Petersburg - 576-55-55
Legal address:
- Moscow - st. Raushskaya Embankment, 22/21 building 1 (index 115035);
- St. Petersburg – st. Rubinshteina, 32 lit. A (index 191002).
Attention! The “transportation organizer” will not consider a claim without the full name of the plaintiff indicated in it. To quickly respond to a complaint, the bus number (state or on-board) must be indicated.
In the case of regional carriers, the procedure is the same:
- Recording plate data;
- Drawing up a complaint;
- Transfer in a convenient way.
You can contact the driver's manual directly by calling the phone number indicated on the plate.
(especially relevant if the violations were related to his illegal actions). This way, the issue of his removal, financial penalties or dismissal will be resolved more quickly.
Ministry of transportation
The competence of this department, along with the regulation of transportation laws and management activities, is the issuance of licenses to carry out work activities for drivers. If you suspect that a particular carrier is illegal, you should contact this authority.
If you violate the Rules for transportation in public transport, you should contact the Department of Communications and Transport.
City administration
The municipality also accepts claims against unfortunate drivers. This can be done by visiting the city hall in person or by email or regular mail. And also on the official Internet resource of the city administration.
Portal "Dobrodel"
After registering on the site, you will have access to your account, where you can select the appropriate section and file a complaint. The reaction of the departments and their responses go directly to the complaint card.
Call the Mosgortrans transport department
A complaint about a bus route or a transport driver can be accepted orally. Where can I make a claim for service, report a violation of the schedule, a critical condition of transport or violation of rules on the road? To do this, you need to call Mosgortrans.
This hotline was created by the carrier in February 2016. The hotline number should be on the stand in the vehicle interior. A call can be made to a passenger without leaving the bus or other vehicle. All incoming calls are free.
Payment for travel and baggage: what you should pay attention to to avoid controversial situations
The uniform rules for using public transport for Muscovites are determined by Moscow Government Decree No. 797-PP dated September 2, 2008 (as amended in 2020). Since a considerable part of the complaints are related to the payment of travel documents, the correct procedure for their use and replacement, you should pay attention to the following points of the applicable travel rules:
- Payment is made according to the selected current tariff at the entrance.
- Baggage transportation is paid separately. At the same time, the benefits of free travel and discounts established for some passengers do not give the right to free transportation.
- A ticket is invalid if its validity period has expired or the travel limit has been reached. Tickets from the stop list are also not accepted if there are faults.
Faulty tickets that have visible damage and cannot be read or work can be exchanged as per the general procedure.
It should be remembered that the controller can fine free riders right in the vehicle cabin. A passenger is considered a ticketless passenger, for example, if he presents a counterfeit or expired travel document to the ticket inspector at the vehicle. If a student travels on a discounted ticket but not his own, it will be confiscated. The seizure is documented in a document, one copy of which remains with the passenger.
Written notification to Mosgortrans about the violation
Since 2020, stickers have appeared on public transport that indicate the email address of the “Public Control” project. The goal of such a project is to receive video recordings from victims from the scene of the violation. In such a video message, it is necessary to indicate the license plates of the vehicle, the time and place of the incident, and also describe the details of the incident.
Every complaint against a bus driver is checked and processed. If the information is reliable, the driver will be fined for the violation or fired according to the law.
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
The complaint against the bus driver belongs to the list of issues that are being considered by the regional divisions of the ministry. Sending a letter to the main office will only slow down the decision on the issue.
In Moscow, you can complain about a bus driver to the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development:
- By phone contact: 8 (495) 539-54-54, 3210 (MTS, Beeline, Megafon).
- Through the Internet reception on the website https://dt.mos.ru/feedback/reception/ or on the Unified Transport Portal https://transport.mos.ru/.
- During a personal reception in the Department building at the address: st. Sadovo-Samotechnaya, 1, room 715. Schedule of personal reception of citizens: first Tuesday and last Thursday of the month from 14.00 to 17.00.
- Send the complaint by registered mail with notification to the above address.
Healthy! You can read about the rules for drawing up official complaints in the article “How to write a complaint correctly”
Residents of the Moscow region should contact the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure in one of the following ways:
- Call the hotline.
- Send a letter to the address: 143407, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Boulevard, 4, bldg. 1.
- Submit your application in person to the ministry's reception desk.
- Write a letter by email
A complete list of regional divisions of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and contact details for each of them are presented on the website https://mintrans.ru/. To do this, you need to indicate the name of the region or city in a special line, and after a few seconds a window with detailed information will appear.
Written notice from the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region
Where can I write a complaint about a bus or the driver of a given bus if an unpleasant incident occurs? The victim should write an email to the address of the main transport department of the region.
The letter must describe in free form the conflict or incident that occurred on the route. In addition, the letter must indicate vehicle license plates and route number. To consider a complaint, you must write the full name of the person applying. The applicant’s address and contact telephone number do not need to be indicated, as the response will be sent by email.
Transport company
The name and telephone number of the department that is responsible for the vehicle are presented on the information board on the bus. Residents of the capital should contact the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" in one of the following ways:
- By calling by phone. During the conversation, you will need to explain the essence of the incident, dictate the bus number, route number, date and place of events. Be prepared to introduce yourself and give a contact phone number for feedback.
- Send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address: Moscow, 115035, Raushskaya embankment, 22/21, building 1. An official response must be provided to the applicant within 30 days.
- Bring the document in person to the above address. Office opening hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 8.00-17.00, Fri.: 8.00-15.45.
- Leave a complaint in electronic form on the official website of the department at https://mosgortrans.ru/passenger/obratnaja-svjaz/. Responses to requests are provided in writing or by email, which should be indicated in the letter.
If the conflict occurred in the Moscow region, passengers should send their complaints to Mostransavto:
- By telephone by number.
- By registered mail to the address: 121609, Moscow, st. Osennyaya, no. 11.
- Submit in person to the enterprise reception.
- By email address "Public Control" [email protected]
In St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans is responsible for bus transportation. To appeal the actions of the bus driver, you can use one of the following methods:
- Call the contact center - 8 (812) 458-75-74.
- Send a letter to the address - 195197, St. Petersburg, Polyustrovsky Ave., 39.
- Personally submit a complaint to the enterprise reception.
- Fill out the electronic form on the website https://avtobus.spb.ru/feedback/.
Residents of other Russian cities should contact the transport department in their region.
Complaint against a bus conductor
If the conductor is rude or insults a passenger, then it is imperative to complain about him. This incident should not be ignored or not responded to. Unrestrained transport company employees should not work with people.
To file a complaint against the work of a conductor, you should find out his last name and the number of the city transport on which he works. After finding out the data, you need to call the depot or fleet, telling about the situation that happened.
The fleet management reviews each claim independently and decides whether the transport worker is at fault or not. It is possible that the initiators of the conflict are the townspeople themselves. To avoid problems with citizens, conductors are given lectures “on preventing conflict situations.”
A conductor who constantly receives complaints from passengers will be dismissed from this position under the article.
Grounds for filing a complaint
The current rules for using transport in Moscow provide responsibilities not only for passengers, but also for carriers (How to complain about a transport company). In this regard, a consumer who has encountered a violation of the law or infringement of his rights when using the services of Mosgortrans should not ignore the current situation, especially since this is the only way to prevent its recurrence. To obtain an apology or monetary compensation, you should immediately contact the company management, notifying them of the incident. In particular, this should be done if:
- the bus did not move according to schedule or the flight was cancelled. Not all drivers (How to complain about a bus driver) strictly follow the approved schedule, which significantly affects the quality of service. Therefore, if the bus did not move according to schedule, it is appropriate to file a complaint with Mosgortrans. This way, at least, the company’s management will be able to find out that there are problems and shortcomings on a certain route that should be eliminated as soon as possible;
- The driver grossly violated traffic rules. Failure to comply with traffic rules can lead to serious consequences, which means that passengers and other road users should not ignore such behavior of transport company employees;
- the driver behaved incorrectly and provocatively (smoked on the bus, refused to stop in the designated place, etc.);
- the bus or tram is completely unsanitary;
- the passenger was denied a discounted fare without good reason.
Important! Even the owners of other cars that became participants in the incident or witnessed it can complain about the Mosgortrans driver’s failure to comply with traffic rules.
Responsibilities and prohibitions of a conductor
The conductor has his own duties that he must perform while working. He must:
- treat passengers politely, do not engage in conflicting conversations, be calm;
- answer questions asked about fares and bus routes;
- give an answer if the passenger asks for the conductor's name and service number;
- first receive money for the trip (be sure to state the amount given by the passenger), and then issue a ticket.
While working on the route, the conductor has prohibitions that he must not violate. The employee is prohibited from:
- conduct non-work related conversations with the driver or other persons;
- eating, smoking or being distracted from work in any way;
- You cannot get off the vehicle before arriving at the final stop;
- be rude and speak incorrectly with passengers.
When to complain
Public transport includes: buses, minibuses, trams, trolleybuses and electric trains.
one of the following reasons may be the basis for filing a complaint about the operation of one of the types of public transport
- Violation of the established traffic schedule along a given route;
- Serious traffic violations while driving along the route (with passengers). These include: exceeding the speed limit for the area by 20 km/h or more, extreme driving (racing with other vehicles), driving onto a double lane, accompanied by driving into oncoming traffic, etc.;
- Failure to comply with the regulations for boarding/disembarking passengers;
- Disrespectful attitude towards public transport passengers: demonstration of boorish and rude attitude, accompanied by personal insults, obscene language and even the use of physical force;
- Ignoring requests from passengers to stop “on demand” without a valid reason;
- Smoking/drinking strong drinks inside a bus/minibus/trolleybus/tram;
- Talking on the phone while driving;
- Failure to comply with sanitary standards established at the legislative level (dusty, dirty seats, unpleasant odor in the cabin, dirty curtains, unwashed floors);
- Reluctance to provide required benefits to certain categories of citizens (pensioners, minors, persons with disabilities, combat veterans, military, etc.).
Read the next section to find out where to go if you find one or more of the listed reasons.
Consequences for a transport company employee
The driver will be held accountable for his actions if he creates problematic, conflict situations with citizens or does not comply with legal regulations. A complaint about a bus or driver is considered individually. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the following consequences may occur:
- bringing the violator to administrative responsibility: paying fines, withholding bonuses or part of the salary, etc.;
- disciplinary action followed by dismissal.
Only the concern of citizens will help maintain the entire public transport system in order.
General complaint form: where to find it, how to fill it out and submit it correctly
The form that must be filled out when applying to an individual or legal entity is posted on the Mosgortrans website.
It can be used in almost all situations: when filing a complaint, application, or proposal to the Department of Transport. The form fields are filled in as follows:
- Applicant." It should be noted who is writing the application: an individual or a legal entity.
Applications from legal entities are accepted only on company letterhead signed by an authorized person.
Mosgortrans website.
- “Parameters of the submitted appeal.” The type (application, complaint, proposal) and topic (ground transport, metro, etc.) are indicated.
- "Short description". The applicant briefly outlines the essence of the issue. Allowed length: 255 characters.
- "Attachments". If necessary, files are added to the brief description. You can attach up to 10 files, each 2 MB.
- "Description of the situation." This field must not exceed 1500 characters. The description can only contain one question.
Important! If an applicant needs to find out or ask several questions, he must complete and submit several separate applications.
- “Contacts” (initials, phone number of the applicant). Finally, the applicant must choose the method in which the response will be sent to him (mail or e-mail).
By filling out the form, the applicant must read and agree with the current rules for processing personal information. The form offered for filling out on the site is not downloaded. You just need to fill it out and send it right away.
If the submitted appeal is related to issues that fall within the competence of subordinate organizations of the Department, then it will not be considered.